What My New Hair Color Says About Me (According To The Internet)

You can’t let the fear of what people might say or think stop you from doing what you want to do or else we would never do anything.
— Jennifer Lopez

Brown, blonde, and even black – all socially acceptable colors to dye your hair. But what will society think of you when your hair is not a color they approve of? Well, I guess today, it’s time I find out.

The first time I dyed my hair I was about 12 years old. If I remember correctly, the color was bright red. It was after I started covering my whole head in hair mascara the year before. I guess this was my mom’s way of compromising with me. Now, about 18 years later, I’ve done it again. My hair is an unnatural color the internet has all sorts of opinions about.

I have to be honest; I don’t think my hair color is that shocking. But while I’m used to watching grown-ass men telling girls on Tik Tok that “they will never listen to a girl with blue hair’s opinion,” I still got curious if that applied to other hair colors.

My hair is now pink. Not the bright kind, but yeah it’s still pink. I’m 30 years old, and my hair is the color of a 4-year old’s bedroom. I don’t really see an issue with it, especially since I don’t believe that my hair dye affects my personality nor my intelligence. The internet, however, seems to disagree. These were just a couple of gems I found with a quick search:

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As a person with anxiety, I question most decisions I make. Why am I doing the things that I’m doing? haunts my mind on a minute-to-minute basis. Do I actually want to or is this happening because I feel that this is expected of me? I don’t like to stand out. I don’t wear clothes that are too bold because I think people will be staring at me. Dying my hair pink is, therefore quite an unusual thing for me to do. Nevertheless, I still decided on doing it. It wasn’t because I “need” attention or I am trying to find myself, that’s not the case at all. I was just ready for a change. That’s all.

Apparently, the internet thinks I’m too old for these kinds of changes. But sometimes, even when anxiety keeps you from doing what you actually want because you’re afraid of other people’s opinions, it might be worth just going for it. Some situations don’t need deeper meanings. Dyeing your hair does not have to mean anything. Sometimes it’s just as simple as getting what you want. In the words of Ariana Grande – I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it.


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